Mortgage Type * Choose First Time Home Buyer Mortgage Second Mortgage Mortgage Refinance Mortgage Renewal Debt Consolidation Other
Mortgage Amount requested: *
Date of funds required: *
Personal Information – Applicant 1
First Name *
Middle Initial
Last Name *
Date of Birth *
Address *
City *
Postal Code *
Home Phone *
Cell Phone *
E-Mail *
Occupation *
Employer *
Job Title *
Work Phone *
Annual Income *
Type of Income * Salaried Commission Income Hourly Business for Self Other
Personal Information – Application 2
[Leave blank if you do not wish to have a co-applicant]
First Name
Middle Initial
Last Name
Date of Birth
Postal Code
Home Phone
Cell Phone
Job Title
Work Phone
Annual Income
Type of Income Salaried Commission Income Hourly Business for Self Other
Where/Financial Institution(s)
Where/Financial Institution(s)
Where/Financial Institution(s)
Automotive (Present Value)
Where/Financial Institution(s)
Value of your home (if owned)
Where/Financial Institution(s)
Where/Financial Institution(s)
Where/Financial Institutions(s)
Current Balance
Where/Financial Institution(s)
Current Balance
Finance Company Loans and Other Debts
Where/Financial Institution(s)
Current Balance
Amount Owning on Current Mortgage(s)
Name of the Financial Institution
Current Balance
Privacy Protection, Client Consent and Legal Disclaimer
I/We are clients of Finser Corporation Canada Ltd. and of my Independent Consultant for arranging and/or renewing loans/mortgages and products approved by Finser Corporation Canada Ltd. or its affiliates that may interest me/us.
I/We authorize Finser Corporation Canada Ltd to obtain my personal information about me/us from consumer reporting agencies, credit bureaus, banks, appraisers and other sources as required. Each such source is hereby authorized to provide you with such information for information for establishing or verifying my/our financial standing.
I/we warrant and confirm that the information given in the credit application from me/us is true and correct and that I/we have attained the age of majority in my province of residence.
I/We understand that it is being used to determine my/our credit, evaluate and respond to my/our request for mortgage.
I/We understand, acknowledge and agree to the receiving, disclosing and exchanging information given in the credit application as well as other information you obtain in relation to my/our credit, personal, financial status and employment to potential lenders, insurers, applicable service providers and others with whom I/we propose to have financial relationship.
Each lender considering my/our credit application from Finser Corporation Canada Ltd. may obtain my/our credit, personal, financial or employment information by contacting third parties to ensure accuracy, completeness and integrity.
Finser Corporation Canada Ltd. & Lenders may retain and use my/our personal information after the last credit application made for the purposes listed above.
Use of personal information is consented to evaluate my credit application and creation of the personal information file.
Only employees of Finser Corporation Canada Ltd. & its affiliates whose job functions involve assessment of credit worthiness, credit applications and matters relating to the purpose of the file will have access to my file.
My/our Independent Consultant is not an employee of Finser Corporation Canada Ltd. Finser Corporation Canada Ltd./my Independent Consultant may receive fee and incentives from the lender based on amounts and types of business originated.
I/we understand that mortgage/loan approval is based on the information & documents provided by me/us and Finser Corporation Canada Ltd. cannot be held responsible for any losses or damages as a result of any inaccurate information or documents which I/we have or may provide.
Please read the paragraph above prior to sending the completed application. By transmitting the mortgage application you are accepting the terms of the paragraph noted above.
I/We have read the paragraph above prior to sending the completed application. By transmitting the mortgage application I/We are accepting the terms of the paragraph noted above. *
5 + 0 = ? Please prove that you are human by solving the equation *